Ruizhi Deng

Ruizhi Deng

Simon Fraser University

About me

I am a third-year Ph.D. student in computing science at Simon Fraser University advised by Dr. Greg Mori. I’m interested in studying fundamental problems in machine learning through principled approaches. More specifically, my research is focused on the intersection of variational Bayes method, generative modeling, and their applications to time series data. I also have experience in adversarial machine learning and developing robust defense against adversarial attacks.

Here’s my resume.


  • Variational Bayes Method
  • Time Series Model
  • Neural Differential Equations
  • Adversarial Machine Learning


  • MSc in Computing Science, 2019

    Simon Fraser University

  • BSc in Mathematics, 2016

    University of Michigan - Ann Arbor


Point Process Flows

Accepted to TPP@NeurIPS 2019. An intensity-free framework that directly models the point process distribution by utilizing normalizing flows is proposed.